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6+ melanistic mutant pheasant hatching eggs

*****I have 1(ONE) Ringneck Hen in this cage so I will send a couple extra eggs because you may hatch out a hybrid.*******
Below is a little Bit About my birds
Feed: I feed my birds a very nice ration of food that consist of Black Oil Sunflowers, Whole Corn, and Turkey Grower, making a mix of 20% protein to my Mutants. I also make sure that my birds get fresh cool clean water everyday no matter what.
Health: I give my birds wormers every month or so especially during the summer time. I also randomly select a couple birds to make sure they have no external Parasites such as lice or mites, and if they do which I have found to be really rare on pheasants I spray them lightly with Frontline spray. My birds also get weekly Vitamins in their water to make sure they stay healthy!
Cover: I make sure my pheasants have a somewhat "wild" habitat. My birds are in pens that have a few pine trees that were cut down by others for X-mas. My pens also have raspberry bushes in them which gives them shade and fruit to eat. Along with all of that I have also made them a few dog houses in their cage. My birds also have plenty of space, I make sure my birds have at least 10-15 square feet of space per bird in each cage.
My birds are 1-3 Year old breeders. I keep a ratio of 1 male to 5 hens per cage. This seems to give very nice fertility, and the roosters do not fight too much. Although if there seems to be a bully in the cage I put a peeper on the bird and it will stop picking on the others.
Why do I raise birds? Well I love being outdoors, it is my favorite place to be! Sometimes I can just grab a lawn chair and set it outside of my cages and just watch my pheasants, they are Gorgeous! It is especially cool when the sun hits their feathers just right, wow! Besides the hobby part, these birds are a nice way to pocket some cash. I am going to college and need some money for books, and the classes themself. But do not take me wrong, I don't have these birds for the money, I have them because I really like them.
I got started in birds back when I was around 8 years old. My mom would take me to our local fair every year, and I wanted to go to the chicken barn, while most kids wanted to ride the rides. Anyways my mom talked to the 4-H leader and then I joined 4-H. One of the judges talked to my mom about going to a sanctioned poultry show, where you can see a thousand or so chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys. So I started showing Buff Brahmas, and Black Cochins. I started breeding them and getting really good at it, and all of a sudden I almost won every show I went to so I upgraded and went to the open show class with the adults and I stumbled at first but regained my footing and started winning at that too. About 3 years ago, I kind of quit the chickens, I still have them just quit showing, and moved onto gamebirds, the rest is history.
E-mail me at ****
or Call me at (***)-965-4979 if you have any questions, or comments.

6+ melanistic mutant pheasant hatching eggs